How Far Along? 11 Weeks! Only a few more weeks until we are out of the first trimester!
Size of the Baby? A Lime! 1.6 inches .25 ounces
Maternity Clothes? I'm full on maternity pants. I have some capris that were too big before that I can still wear but I don't usually wear them.
Weight Gain? i don't weigh myself. The doctor hasn't been either so maybe they will start on Monday at my OB appointment
Gender? Everyone around me is pulling for a boy. However, I have a feeling its a girl. Not sure why. I just have a gut feeling. Be sure to vote! Also a Gender Reveal is in the works so I'll keep you posted about that.
Sleep? There aren't enough hours in the night!
Food Cravings? Still no Krystal Chicks :( My honey needs to step up his game on the pregnancy craving department. I also wanted Sprite really bad yesterday. Oh and also a Viva Steak Burrito. No one makes a steak burrito like Viva.
What I Miss? I still don't really miss anything.
Symptoms? Nausea is slowly going away. Woot Woot! Belly isn't getting bigger but getting more firm.
Belly Button? It is for sure still an inny.
Best Moment of the Week? We are headed outdoors for some outdoor, horse, and wagon adventure tomorrow! Super excited. We also have a doctors appointment on Monday morning and get to hear the heartbeat through a doppler.
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