How Far Along? 7 weeks
Size of the Baby? A blueberry :)
Maternity Clothes? Funny story. I was given some maternity clothes which included 1 pair of jeans. So I thought I would try them on. That day I told my self I would never wear any other pants ever again. Not entirely true. I have worn other pants but I have to say they are hands down my favorite pants ever. I need more!
Weight Gain? Um. I'm not sure. I don't really weigh myself at home. But I'll find out Monday.
Stretch Marks? Honey, I already had those!!
Gender? We don't know yet! We will find out in about 10ish weeks!
Sleep? Some days are better than others. We just got our ac fixed so its been stupid hot. I also wake up once in the middle of the night to pee :)
Food Cravings? I don't think I have reached the craving stage. Don't get me wrong, some things sound better than most but I wouldn't categorize that as "cravings".
What I Miss? I don't really miss anything. I kinda of miss the occasional sugary snack.
Symptoms? Tender boobs. Oh my do they hurt. I also have a little bit of cramping which isn't consistent or intense. It is slowly starting to go away. Nausea is also starting to creep up on me.
Belly Button?: It is for sure still an inny.
Best Moment of the Week? I made this blog! I am also looking forward to Monday for our first ultrasound.
yay! These posts are fun!!